How to Force Download File in PHP

To download a file in PHP, you need to force the browser to download file except display. In this article, we are going to show how to download a file from directory or server in PHP. Using header() and readfile() function, you can easily download a file in PHP. Here we’ll provide the example PHP code to force download file in PHP. Also, this simple PHP script helps to implement a download link which downloads a file from the directory. The following example script can be used for download any types of file like text, image, document, pdf, zip, etc.

Download a File in PHP

$fileName = basename('tcmhack.txt');
$filePath = 'files/'.$fileName;
if(!empty($fileName) && file_exists($filePath)){
    // Define headers
    header("Cache-Control: public");
    header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
    header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$fileName");
    header("Content-Type: application/zip");
    header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
    // Read the file
    echo 'The file does not exist.';

Download a File Through Anchor Link

Sometimes you need to provide a link to the user for download file from the server. Use the below sample code to display an HTML link to download a file from the directory using PHP.
HTML Code:

<a href="download.php?file=tcmhack.png">Dowload File</a>

PHP Code (download.php):

    $fileName = basename($_GET['file']);
    $filePath = 'files/'.$fileName;
    if(!empty($fileName) && file_exists($filePath)){
        // Define headers
        header("Cache-Control: public");
        header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
        header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$fileName");
        header("Content-Type: application/zip");
        header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
        // Read the file
        echo 'The file does not exist.';